The functions of Sindh HEC, defined as per the Sindh Higher Education Commission Act 2013, are following:
To formulate policies, guidelines and priorities for higher, education Institutions for promotion of socio-economics development of province.
To assist to build capacity of existing council or similar bodies, in order to enhance the reliability of the evaluation carried out by them.
To advise Government on proposals for granting a charter to award degrees in both public and private sector institutions.
To approve projects within the same ceilings are specified for Departmental Development working party.
To advise institutions in raising funds from the sources other than Government.
To advise the institutions in ensuring a proper balance between teaching and research.
To develop guidelines in consultation with the institutions and facilitate the Implementation of a system of evaluation of performance of faculty members and institutions.
To encourage, support and facilitate training programs, conferences, workshop and symposia at Provincial, national and international levels in public and private sector.
The function of SHEC is to promote the formal links between institutions in the Province , to make the most effective use of the experience and specialized equipment and promote Provincial, National and International linkages with respect to the knowledge sharing, collaborative research, personal exchange and cost sharing.
To take measures, including the allocation of funds, for the establishment of fellowships, scholarships, visiting professorship programmers or any other programmes, In addition to the assistance of similar programs of the institutions and facilitate greater mobility of faculty through provincial, national and international contacts.
To review and examine the financial requirements of public sector institutions, approve and provide funds from the funds to be allocated by the Federal Government, till the next NFC Award to public sector institutions on the basis of recurring needs, as well as, for development projects and research based on specific proposals and performance.
To collect information and statistics on higher education and institutions as it may deem fit and may cause its publication.
To establish an endowment fund for higher education with contributions from government as well as non-governmental resources.
To set up committees comprising provincial, national and international experts in various disciplines to advice the Commission on its affairs.
To cause monitoring and evaluation of the performance of institutions through CIEC Committee which henceforth shall be the part of the commission.
To prepare, in consultation with the institutions, plans for the development of higher education system , and express its opinion on all matters relating thereto.
To prescribe conditions under which institutions, including those which are not part of the educational system of the Province, may be opened and operated.
To provide guidelines to ensure maintenance of high standards of higher education; and To perform such other functions consistent with the provisions of this Act as may be prescribed or as may be incidental or consequential to the discharging of the aforesaid functions.
To provide guidelines as regards minimum criteria and qualifications for appointment, promotion, salary structure and in consultation with the Finance Department, and other terms and conditions of service of faculty for adoption by individual institutions and review its implementation.
Other Function is to submit to Government the recurring and development budgets for public sector institutions and allocate funds to public sector institutions out of bulk financial provision received from Government and other resources on performance and need basis.
To set up evaluation councils or authorize any existing council or similar bodies to carry out accreditation of institutions including their departments, faculties and disciplines by giving them appropriate ratings.
To facilitate the introduction of educational programmers that meets the needs of the employment market and promote the study of basic and applied sciences in every field of national and international importance in the institutions.
To submit to Government the recurring and development budgets for public sector institutions and allocate funds to public sector institutions out of bulk financial provision received from Government and other resources on performance and need basis.
To assist to build capacity of existing council or similar bodies, in order to enhance the reliability of the evaluation carried out by them.
To Support the development of linkages between institutions and industry, as well as, national and international organizations that funds research and development with a view to enhancing research.
To cause to be set up testing bodies or designate any existing body for the purpose.