Algoma University of Canada and UNITY (World’s largest platformfor creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D content) arepartnering to bring together world class training and certificationopportunities in Real-Time 3D Technology through the Learner FastTrack Programme, which prepares the learners to attain …
KARACHI, August 30: The second consultation meeting between Sindh Higher Education Commission and the Russian State atomic energy corporation ‘Rosatom’ was held on August 30. The virtual consultation meeting focused on the possible avenues in the field of renewable energy, inter-university collaboration and …
Karachi, August 17, 2023: The Sindh HEC organised an orientation workshop on Thursday, August 17 on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their role in higher education. The one-day workshop was arranged in collaboration with the UNDP-SDGs Support Unit, Sindh at …
Karachi, July 04, 2023: The Sindh Higher Education Commission (SHEC), and a delegation from the University of Essex expressed interest in meeting with the Vice Chancellors of some of the public and private sector universities in Pakistan to foster relations between …